Las Vegas West Side Eruv
Feb. 28 - March 1
We are happy to announce that both Section 1 and Section 2 of the Las Vegas West Side Eruv is up! Please be sure to check in every week before Shabbos for the Eruv status.
Section 1 is the area SOUTH of Charleston
Section 2 is the area NORTH of Charleston
Feb. 28 - March 1
Feb. 28 - March 1
Current Eruv Boundaries
The map to the right is a general guide for the Eruv’s boundaries. Please be careful when walking near the boundary, as the exact location of the Eruv perimeter may be difficult to notice.
Keeping the Eruv Kosher
The boundaries of an eruv must be checked regularly. If the boundary is not complete and contiguous in every element, no valid eruv can exist that Shabbos, and carrying remains prohibited. The laws of designing and maintaining a kosher Eruv are nuanced and complex, and therefore Kollel monitors the Eruv’s status. Additionally, Kollel consults regularly with leading experts in Eruv design from around the country to ensure the highest standards for the West Side Eruv.
What is an Eruv?
An Eruv is a ritual enclosure that Jewish communities construct in their neighborhoods as a way to permit the transference of objects on Shabbat from indoors to a public area or from carrying within public area.
Shabbat is the day of rest where we connect more deeply to ourselves, to loved ones, friends and to the Almighty. We pause from our regular hectic schedule and reflect on the fact that G-d created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. Taking a break from the rat race and experiencing these spiritual ideas is a source of strength and inspiration that energizes and carries the Shabbat observer throughout the week. To encourage a restful ambiance, the Torah restricts certain creative activities that could easily distract us from this special sublime and holy day. One of these restrictions is transporting items in a public area.
This restriction at times can be burdensome. What if a parent wants to wheel their child to Synagogue on Shabbat? What if one is wheelchair bound? How about carrying over a picnic lunch to share with friends? To address this need, an Eruv is built. In short, it is a complex network of ritual structures that encloses the community with a virtual wall rendering the entire enclosure one contiguous domain and allowing the transportation of items from one area to another within the enclosure. Having a respected Eruv is considered a major milestone for a community.